Beware The Odes Of March!

Or rather- do not beware the Odes of March!

Join us as we pay tribute to the artists, crew, and YOU- all the people that make theater come alive ! 19 original odes celebrating those essential theater folks, without whom, the stage would be bare, the lights would be dark, and the only other option would be to see Star Wars (the prequels, no less!) in 3D.  While there are more than 19 roles of the theatre, Theater Pub is on the 19th, so 19 is what you’ll get!  Poems, monologues, and songs by Theater Pub regulars and newcomers and we swear no one will stab you in the back. This time.

Written by Victor Carrion, Ashley Cowan, Julia Heitner, Neil Higgins, Sang Kim, Brian Markley, McPuzo & Trotsky, Sunil Patel, Marissa Skudlarek; directed by Ashley Cowan, Robert Estes, Julia Heitner, Neil Higgins, Sang Kim, Sunil Patel; performed by Ashley Cowan, Aoife Davis, Dimas Guardado, Julia Heitner, Neil Higgins, Charles Lewis, Carl Lucania, McPuzo & Trotsky, Sunil Patel, Shane Rhoades, Jessica Rudholm, and Nick Trengove (with Linda Huang running the lights!).

Admission is FREE with a suggested $5 donation.  No reservations necessary, but we encourage early arrivals to get the best seating. The show begins at 8 PM on March 19th!

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