Theater Around The Bay: GUESS WHO!

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Yes, it’s that time of year again- the time when, for one night only, San Francisco Theater Pub brings us all together, to celebrate the Great American Tradition of singing songs about the holidays.

This year’s special selection of carols comes from a song-book renowned for its catchy pop tunes and ability to corrupt the Baby Boomer generation. It’s got everything you want at the holidays: child molestation, murder, insanity, prostitution, disaffected youth, repressed family tragedy, denial, adultery, regret, and hey, did we mention child molestation? Oh, hey, there are some miracles too. And forgiveness. So, it’s like, actually kind of Christmasy. In a really screwed up, pushing the envelope sort of way.

Here’s Looking At You!

Featuring the vocal talents of Samuel Cohen, Juliana Lustenader, Kyle McReddie, Carl Lucania, Duncan Wold, Clare Prowse, Stuart Bousel, Amanda Ortmayer, James Grady, Charles Lewis III, Marissa Skudlarek; and the musical skills of Mark Dietrich, Jessica Igrashi, James Grady, Cory Clar, Colin Williams and Steven Grady.

ONE NIGHT ONLY: December 14, 2015 at PianoFight, 8 PM, Free!

Seating is first come, first served so get there early to ensure a seat. As usual, it’s a five dollar suggested donation. Don’t miss it- and be sure to come early (or stay late) and enjoy PianoFight’s full bar and menu!