Field Notes from a BOA Virgin: Highly Scientific Data — I Haz Dem

Annie Paladino continues her report from the BOA front lines… 

So, BOA 2012 happened.

No, wait, just kidding! It’s STILL happening!

What DID happen was that, in less than a week, two full programs composed of 10 amazing one-act plays were loaded-in, teched, and rehearsed (lather, rinse, repeat). This past Sunday, both programs had their first performances. Since the play I am in, Maybe Baby, is in Program 2, I can only speak from that experience- which was LOVELY!- but seriously: just try to imagine TEN CASTS AND CREWS getting their shit together, tech-wise, in like, 4 days. Oh wait, YOU CAN’T, because IT SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE. But… it happened! I promise! With little-to-no heartbreak, tears, hair-ripping, etc.!

Let the following facts and figures fill you with awe:

– Number of set changes in Program 2: 4

– Number of times we rehearsed the set changes during dress rehearsal: 3

– Number of actors in Program 2: 23

– Ratio of men to women in Program 2: 6:17 (including two separate plays with a cast of just two women — this is significant and awesome!)

– Sweat-intensity level in the overwhelmingly crowded backstage area: off the charts

– Average number of eggs cracked during each performance of Maybe Baby: 4-6

– Yolky-stage rating for the weekend: low (only one incidence of spillage)

– Number of teapots used in Maybe Baby: 9, plus one teapot-dog-puppet

– Average number of pushups done by the women in Maybe Baby (myself included): 20-25

– Number of splinters in bare feet thus far: ZERO, despite vigorous mash-potato-ing (the dance step — no actual cooking involved, sorry) (knock on wood)

– Number of bathrooms for the cast, crew and audience: 1 (plus one secret bathroom for cast/crew shhhh!)

– Number of minutes I have personally spent waiting in line for the bathroom: 15… so far

– Injury rating from the weekend: I may or may not have given my scene partner a fat lip during fight call before dress rehearsal

– Personal excitement level for seeing Program 1 (which I expect to do this weekend): SKY HIGH

– Number of performances before the cast of Maybe Baby reverted to high school theater and started trading back massages backstage during Act I: …zero

In sum…you don’t want to miss BOA 2012.

Until next week…


PS. Wednesdays and Thursdays are PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN: perfect for all you broke-asses!

Annie will be back next Tuesday with more sassy backstage commentary. Meanwhile, if you want to know more about BOA 2012, check out for showtimes, tickets and more!